
What our customers write about us

Sarah B.


"Mandy was awesome. Easy to talk to and gave me hope in her findings and treatment. I didn’t know where to start and she came up with a doable regimen. Can’t wait to report back with results."

Vanessa F. 


"I developed telogen effluvium after having a bad flu and severe weight loss. I was seen by a nurse practitioner and a dermatologist with not many answers and some steroids which does not produce hair growth for my type of condition. I was desperate for help after losing 70% of my hair volume. Not only did Mandy B tell me what was going on with my hair loss she showed me under a microscope. Everything she explained made sense to me. She checked all the ingredients on loads of vitamins/hair products that I was using (some good, some bad) and was very knowledgeable about each one. I left with a whole new regiment from hair care to diet changes and a look at specific hormone levels to check which my regular doctor had missed. Her advice pointed me in a whole new direction and was different advice then the typical info that I received from others which seemed to tell me things that I could look up on the internet myself. After seeing Mandy B, I finally felt hopeful with answers and most of all solutions. I still have a long way to go, but my hair growth is at full speed and it is the best feeling!"

Jessica M.


"I loved how she explained every detail to me. I hope all your recommendations can help me!!"



"She was great helpful very friendly"